When school fully re-opened for all pupils on 8th March 2021, the children and staff of Brentfield wanted to share their reflections of the past year. Each class decided to make their own reflection books. Across the Spring term, children and staff worked hard to put together their thoughts, feelings and hopes for the future. They wrote poems and postcards, letters to their future selves and to the Prime Minister, wrote newspaper articles, created art work, used their sewing skills to create badges that represent the past year, researched past pandemics and created timelines and celebrated all of those who have helped them from their mums and dads through to the key workers who kept them safe.
Each year group also created their own video to share their learning with their friends in other bubbles. These have been posted on Google Classroom so, parents and carers, please log in to see the fantastic work that the children have been doing this half term.