At Brentfield Primary School, we set very high standards with regards to attendance. Your child/children should be in class everyday by 8.45am unless he or she is ill. If a child is absent for any reason, we expect parents to contact the school by 9am on the first day of absence. Parents can do this by:
- Telephoning the school on: 020 8965 5326
- Emailing our attendance officer at
If your child is absent from school for three days or more, you must provide medical evidence.
We are now a school street which means there are temporary restrictions on motorised traffic at school drop-off and pick-up times. As such there are no cars allowed outside of the school from 8.15am-9.15am and 2.45pm-3.45pm.
The school gates are open at 8.35am and will close at 8.45am. Any child arriving after this time must wait with their parent for a member of staff to collect them from the front gate.
Children arriving after 8.55am will be registered as late and must provide a reason to the school office.
Please try to arrange medical appointments during school holidays or out of school hours Visit the term dates page to check when the school will be closed.
If you cannot make a doctor or dentist appointment out of school hours, wherever possible your child should come to school before the appointment and return to school afterwards.
We ask that parents provide proof of an appointment.
Holidays During Term Time
Taking family holidays during term time cannot be authorised. Regular attendance is extremely important as missing school can have an impact on learning and is a legal requirement. Good attendance enables pupils to keep up with the work required. We ask that parents support Brentfield Primary School by not taking their child/children away during school time.
When considering a request for leave of absence, the Head Teacher will take the following into consideration:
- The effect that the absence will have on the child’s education and ability to achieve.
- The overall pattern of attendance and punctuality.
- The age of the child.
- The time of year (SATs or assessments)
- The particular family circumstances.
For parents who take their child/children out of school during term time without authorisation, the local authority has the power to issue a fixed penalty.