
School Clubs

Our School Clubs offer a safe, stimulating and happy environment where children are supervised by a small, committed and professional staff team, during term time, both before school starts and after classes finish.

Breakfast Club

The Breakfast Club opens at 07.45 and takes place in the small hall where the children are offered a breakfast selection of cereal, toast, fruit and milk.  After breakfast, the children have the opportunity for free play until 08.25 and can take part in a variety of play opportunities such as board games, drawing, reading, construction games.  All children attending must be signed in with staff at the start of the morning session and parents are encouraged to book sessions in advance.

Session fees

£2.25 per child per day
£1.55 per child per day for a sibling
After School Club

Afterschool Club

The After School Club runs from after school from 15.15 until 17.30, and parents must book sessions in advance.  

At After School Club, the children have the opportunity for free play which includes various  opportunities such as outdoor play, football, gardening, board games, drawing, reading or construction games.  A healthy snack is provided which gives the children the opportunity to sit and eat together, while talking about their day.

Collection of children: Parents persistently picking up children after 3.15pm but before 3.30pm will be charged £2.50 per child late pick up fee. After 3.30pm, children will be put into After School Club and parents will be charged £9.00 per child. 

Children should be collected by 17.30. Any late collections are subject to a late fee of £5 for every 15 minutes, or as part thereof. 

As the school office closes at 16.00, parents should call 07835 502 325 for access to collect their children.

Session fees: 

£9.00 per child per day
£5.50 per child per day for a sibling
Breakfast and After School Club Registration Form 
Please use the link below to complete the registration form should you wish your child to attend either breakfast or after school club. 

Breakfast and After School Club Registration Form

After School Enrichment Clubs

Spring Term

We currently have the following clubs on offer. You must sign your child up to the club, via the Arbor app, prior to them starting any sessions. Please note that some clubs are subject to fees. Numbers for each club are capped so if the club that you wish your child to attend is full, they will be placed on a waiting list until a space becomes available. If you have any questions, please contact the school office. 


Day Club Year Group Time
Tuesday Multi-Sports 1 & 2 3:15 - 4:15pm
Wednesday  Multi-Sports 3 & 4 3:15 - 4:15pm
Wednesday Tag-Rugby Pre-Secondary 3:15 - 4:15pm
Thursday  Dodgeball 3 & 4 3:15 - 4:15pm 
Thursday  Cricket Pre-Secondary 3:15 - 4:15pm 
Friday Football Pre-Secondary 3:15 - 4:15pm  
Wednesday  Arts and Crafts  Reception, 1 & 2  3:15 - 4:15pm
Bollywood Dancing 1, 2, 3, 4 & Pre-Secondary 
Forest School  1, 2 & 3
Gardening  3, 4 & 5
Art  3, 4 & Pre-Secondary
Origami 4 & Pre-Secondary
Cooking 4 & Pre-Secondary